Dr. Marti Straus Has Really Been Busy

See this list of great things Dr. Straus has been doing!

  • Consulting to schools through supervision and training and testimony to the state legislature on developing trauma-informed responses to student behavior in Vermont.
  • Finishing edits to the third edition of The Lost Art of Listening, adding sections and chapters addressing both the impact of technology on our capacity to listen and ways to listen across political divides that have created intense conflict and rupture in family relationships.
  • Teaching monthly three-hour live webinar for TZK Seminars on treating complex trauma in adolescents and emerging adults https://www.tzkseminars.com/userfiles/tzkseminars/43782.5613277894-straus-brochure-teentrauma.pdf
  • Completing workbook, with student assistance, on co-regulation for parents of traumatized and distressed children and teens to be published by PESI next fall.
  • Published article in Psychotherapy Networker magazine:
  • Straus, M. (July/August 2019). Craving device-free attention. Psychotherapy Networker,  43(4), 36-43.