Antioch University Santa Barbara

Tuition & Fees



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Tuition & Fees

AUSB Tuition & Fees

2024-25 Tuition & Fees

The tuition and fees reflected below are the same for in-state, out-of-state, and international students. Tuition rates vary by program. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Undergraduate Programs

ItemCost / Fee
Tuition Per Quarter Unit
Full-time = 12+ units
Three-quarter-time = 9-11 units
Half-time = 6-8 units
Quarterly International Student Fee$200
Educational Foundations Fee (for prospective B.A. students) 3-­‐unit class$595
All Students -­- General Fee (technology, electronic library, student activity)$100
Late Registration Fee$100
Transcript/Transcript & Assessments Fee$10/$15
Late Payment Fee$50
Return Check Fee$50
View the Cost of Attendance Components

Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Tuition Per Quarter Unit$760
Quarterly International Student Fee$200
All Students-­General Fee, (technology, electronic library, student activity)$100
Program Materials fee (first quarter only)$30
Tevera® Clinical Training Software Signup Fee$220
MACP Program: Quarterly Liability Insurance Fee$15
Late Registration Fee$100
Transcript/Transcript & Assessments Fee$10/$15
Late Payment Fee$50
Return Check Fee$50
View the Cost of Attendance Components

Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

Tuition and Fees – PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Tuition Per Quarter Unit$865
4-7 Quarter Units$5,181
10-15 Quarter Units$8,635
Quarterly International Student Fee$200
Enrollment Maintenance Fee & Thesis/Project Completion Fee$475
All Students-­General Fee, (technology, electronic library, student activity)$100
Thesis/Project Binding Fee for two req’d copies ($40/additional copy)$100
PsyD FA, WI & SP Quarterly Assessment, Practicum, & Materials Fee -­ Yrs I,II,III & IV$267
Full-Time Internship PsyD students | Half-Time Internship PsyD students$3,000/yr | $2,000/yr
Late Registration Fee$100
Transcript/Transcript & assessments$10/$15
Late Payment Fee$50
Return Check Fee$50
Dissertation Continuation Fee$1,000
View the Cost of Attendance Components