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Campus: New England

  • Markie Twist, PhD, LMHC, LMFT, CSE, CSE-S, RegCOSRT

    Markie Louise Christianson (L. C.) Twist was born in Alaxsxaq (Alaska) and raised in a small village on the road-system. dr. Markie is Teaching Faculty and the Student Research Chairperson […]

  • Cathy Lounsbury

    Dr. Cathy Lounsbury Cathy serves as professor and dean of the counseling division at Antioch University, which is comprised of low residency and campus-based MA programs, as well as a […]

  • Ana Guadalupe Reyes, PhD, LPC, NCC, CHST

    Ana Guadalupe Reyes, PhD, LPC, NCC, CHST (elle|they|them|theirs) is a National Certified Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor (TX), and Certified Humanistic Sandtray Therapist. Dr. Reyes is also a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher […]

  • Taylor Sweet-Cosce, PhD, LMHC (FL), NCC

    Dr. Taylor Sweet-Cosce, PhD, LMHC (FL), NCC, is a Core Faculty member in the MA of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Antioch University. Her clinical expertise rests in college/university counseling […]

  • Fatma Salem, LCMHC, NCC

    Dr. Fatma Salem, LCMHC, NCC, is a teaching faculty member at Antioch University New England, a dually licensed mental health counselor serving clients in MA and NH, and a board-approved […]

  • Erin Tanzer

    Erin enjoys working with experienced and aspiring early childhood professionals to create playful and connected learning environments. Her areas of interest include playful pedagogy in higher education, transformative leadership in […]