Nikki Darling holds a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from USC. Her debut novel, Fade Into You, was published by Feminist Press in 2018. She is completing her second book, The Call Is Coming From Inside the House. She lives in L.A. with her cat and a small dog.
- USC PhD, Literature & Creative Writing USC
- Cal Arts, MFA, Critical Studies
- Eugene Lang, BA, Gender Studies & Writing
- Pasadena City College, General Studies
- If This Were A Short Story, McSweeney’s 20 Year Anniversary, 2019
- Fade Into You, Feminist Press 2018
- Pink Trumpet and The Purple Prose, Econo Textual Objects, 2015
- Best Music Writing, 2010
- Certificate of Commendation from the city of LA for my poem A Street Called Dolores Huerta
- Poem, “A Street Called Dolores Huerta,” in part inspired the creation of Dolores Huerta Square in Boyle Heights