Environmental Studies Master’s Degree Program Comparison

Environmental Studies Master’s Degree Program Comparison

Which degree and concentration is right for you?

Environment Studies program in the area of Environmental Studies, Antioch University New England (AUNE) offers two different master’s degrees: An MS in Environmental Studies (with six different concentrations) and an MS in Resource Management and Administration. Additionally, AUNE offers a PhD in Environmental Studies.

Degree/ConcentrationTypical Student/Program EmphasisCapstone
Environmental Studies (MS) Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in entry-level, temporary or seasonal environmentally related positions.

Program Emphasis: Training for public interest advocates and grassroots organizers working for ecological sustainability, social justice, and the democratic control of corporations
An internship, Capstone final project or 2nd internship required
Environmental Studies (MS) Conservation Biology 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in entry-level, temporary or seasonal environmentally related positions.

Program Emphasis: Ecology, field work, statistics, GIS, interdisciplinary conservation issues.
An internship, 2nd internship or Capstone options: thesis, an applied project, or a collaborative service learning initiative required
Environmental Studies (MS) Environmental Education 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in environmentally-related positions who are interested in teaching in non-formal settings (any age).

Program Emphasis: Learning science and sustainability content along with teaching/facilitation techniques and program design for non-formal settings such as non-profits, nature centers, aquaria, higher education (e.g., sustainability coordinators), farms, community-based initiatives (all ages).
An internship, Capstone final project or 2nd internship required
Environmental Studies (MS) Science Teacher Certification 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in entry-level, temporary or seasonal environmentally related positions who want to teach in schools either at the high school or middle school level. Read about the prerequisites for the Science Teacher Certification concentration.

Program Emphasis: Learning both science content and teaching techniques for middle and high schools.
Capstone is 6 credit full-time student teaching internship in a school.
Environmental Studies (MS) Self Designed Studies 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in entry-level, temporary or seasonal environmentally related positions.

Program Emphasis: For students whose interests are not covered in our existing programs, options could include nature & writing, conservation & communications, agriculture & community, art and environment, ecology & psychology.
An internship, Capstone final project or 2nd internship required
Environmental Studies (MS) Sustainable Development and Climate Change 36 credits/5 semestersTypical Student: Recent graduates, career changers, people currently working in entry-level, temporary or seasonal environmentally related positions.

Program Emphasis: Science, policy and facilitation and communication skills
An internship, Capstone final project or 2nd internship required
Resource Management & Administration (MS) 30 credits/4 semestersTypical Student: Practicing professionals who wish to improve their skills and advance their careers.

Program emphasis: Leadership and management skills.
Collaborative capstone final project. No internship required.

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