Glover’s Ledge
In June 2014, after attending a forest management course at AUNE, a local resident donated 76 acres of forest to the university. In 2018, an additional 4 acres and a building were added on as part of the property.
The Property
Located 30 minutes north of Keene in Langdon, NH the forest is a mix of hardwoods and softwoods identified as hemlock-beech-oak-pine community in multiple age classes from earth to late succession. On the property, one can also find bedrock outcroppings, seeps, streams, a two-acre pond and a one-and-a-half-acre hemlock-cinnamon fern swamp with two vernal pools. There are three one-acre wildlife openings with plans to maintain them.
Over 400 species have been documented at Glover’s Ledge so far. Glover’s Ledge provides research and recreation opportunities for all members of the Antioch community.
There are many opportunities for use on the property:
- Invasive species assessment and management
- Raptor monitoring and study and snag inventory
- Vernal pool research
- Wildlife and vegetation inventories
- Outreach and education projects
- Exhibit design and interpretive trail work
- Venue for meetings, personal reflection
- And more…
How do I get to Glover’s Ledge from Antioch University New England?
- It is not recommended that you use GPS to locate Glover’s Ledge. Even using the street address, GPS systems often misdirect you to the wrong location. Try these directions instead!
Start by heading north on Route 12 out of Keene towards Walpole.
While on Route 12, drive past the turnoff for downtown Walpole and past the commerce district/Shaw’s Plaza and The Hungry Diner in North Walpole.
Turn Right on Route 123 (Whitcomb Road) towards the towns of Drewsville and Alstead. There is an Aubuchon Hardware on the corner which makes this turn easy to locate.
Continue past the Drewsville General Store (Route 123 takes a slight bend left after the store) until you reach a flashing yellow light. Route 123 will turn to the right, but you will drive straight on the Cheshire Turnpike.
One mile ahead, on the right, at the big, white barn, you will have reached Glover’s Ledge.
Other landmarks that will help you know you have arrived:
- a white fence which marks off the property
- Hubbard Farms, a chicken farm, is across the street
If you reach Great Brook Forest Products, or the Langdon Covered Bridge, you’ve gone too far.