Edward Tomey

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Edward Tomey

I first taught at Antioch University New England in 1976, chaired the Organization & Management Department (now the Management Department) from 1981-1988, and stayed on as a core faculty member until my retirement from the University in 1999. As a core faculty member, I taught Assertive Management, Career Development and Group Dynamics & Leadership.

My teaching, like my approach to consulting to organizations and their leaders, expresses my belief in the individual as an instrument of achievement and change. Thus, I work with people in ways that enhance their self-knowledge, so as to discover their strengths and the best ways to use them and their gaps and the best ways to fill them or work around them. The results I seek are persons who exhibit a strong but humble self-confidence as they attempt to influence others and organizational dynamics in ways that reflect their own and others’ values, beliefs, hopes, passions, and interests.

I entered professional life in 1959 as a government public affairs officer and subsequently held senior management positions with nationally-known training and consulting corporations. For eight years prior to Antioch New England Graduate School, I taught graduate management courses at Harvard University. I began my private consulting practice in 1973, consulting to managers in business, government, and nonprofit organizations. I received my master’s degree from Harvard, where I concentrated in organizational behavior. It’s my goal to remain active in teaching and consulting for as long as I am making dynamic contributions to the lives of Antioch students and to the success of organizations whose missions I admire.

Edward tomeyed

Faculty Emeritus


  • MEd, Organizational Behavior, Harvard University
  • BA, English Literature, Colby College

Take Charge Leadership

Tomey, Edward J., So You Need a Consultant! A Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Finding & Using Expert Help. The Corporate Fund, 1989.

Tomey, Edward J., The Nonprofit Board Self-Assessment Kit. The Corporate Fund, 1993

Tomey, Edward, J., Howes, Nancy J., & Mellen, Donna M., Partners in Performance: A Collaborative Approach to Nonprofit CEO Development & Appraisal. The Corporate Fund, 1998.

I am currently a consultant to business, nonprofit organizations, and government, specializing in organizational analysis and problem-solving, strategic planning, marketing, team-building, management development, supervisor-employee relations, performance appraisal, organizational and interpersonal communications, Future Search Conferences, and training. I also provide consultation services, training, and technical assistance to The Corporate Fund, a collaborative effort among 13 of New Hampshire’s leading corporations and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The Corporate Fund’s mission is to strengthen the management and governance of nonprofit organizations in such areas as strategic planning, marketing, entrepreneurial ventures, collaboration, financial management, financial development, organization development, team building, and leadership succession planning.

Professional Member, NTL Institute Organization Development Network