Rachel Chickerella, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Rachel Chickerella, PhD

Recently graduating with her PhD in Counseling Psychology from UMass Boston, Rachel is excited to remain in the New England area. What drew her to Antioch is the sense of community and emphasis on merging passion and purpose. Her research interests primarily focus on LGBTQ+ and in particular bi+ communities and reducing stigma to improve health outcomes. She also has an interest in ways that psychologists can promote social justice and organizational change to foster trauma-informed practice in early childhood education. Clinically, she pulls from Relational Cultural Theory (RCT) while also integrating Cognitive Behavioral and Dialectical Behavioral methods.

Rachel is originally from outside Columbus, Ohio and is happy to discuss the superiority of Midwest ice cream. While once a competitive swimmer, she now prefers to “dabble” in various hobbies at any given time. Currently, these seem to include reading, watching ample television, playing Settlers of Catan, rollerblading, water coloring, and pie making.

Rachel Chickerella, PhD

Core Faculty

Clinical Psychology

  • PhD, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • MS, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • BA, Xavier University
  • Chickerella, R. & Horne, S. (2021). Sexual Health but What Else? A lack of research focused on bisexual men. Journal of Bisexuality. 1-41. 10.1080/15299716.2022.2028210
  • Schuyler, S, Chickerella, R., Mullen, M, Schmid, B & Horne, S. (2021). Is it Worth it? A Grounded Theory Analysis of Navigating the Decision to Come out as Bisexual. Journal of Bisexuality. https://doi.org/10.1080/15299716.2021.2004482
  • Chickerella, R., McGinley, M., Schuyler, S., Horne, S. G., Yel, N., & Whitehouse, A. (2021). Janelle Monáe vs. Katy Perry: Depiction of Bi+ Identities and Relationship to Depression and Stigma. Journal of Bisexuality, 21(1), 71-93. https://doi.org/10.1080/15299716.2021.1874586