Nyungwe Forest Facts


1015 km2, located in south-western Rwanda between 2°15’-2°55’S, 29°00’-29°30’E.


Between 1,600 meters and 2,950 meters (Between 5,600 feet and 9,700 feet).

Temperature range

0-30 degrees C (32-85 degrees F, average daytime temperature: 15.5 degrees C (60 degrees F).


1800-2500 mm per year (71-78 inches).

Rainy season

September to November and March to May.

Dry Season

June to August, with a short dry season typically in December/January.

Forest Type

Nyungwe is made up of a complex matrix of Albertine Rift montane forest. Nyungwe is known for its rugged terrain and complex mosaic of dense vegetation types from tall dense forests to open, flower filled marshes. The park has a varied topography with varied soil types providing microhabitats for both plants and animals. Moist, fertile soil supports tall forests, while dry ridges provide habitat for shorter trees and thickets. The southeastern portion of the park has an area of bamboo forest (called the Nchili region), an important commodity, while flooded forests, marshes, and open herbaceous ground cover are interspersed throughout.

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