Community Elevation Compass

Home Resources Current Students AUNE Campus Organizations Community Elevation Compass

Wondering which group to approach with which ideas, questions, comments, or concerns? Curious about how our community resources are different? Refer to this compass for guidance!

Wondering which group to approach with which ideas, questions, comments, or concerns? Curious about how our community resources are different? Refer to this compass for guidance!

Diagram of Community Resource groups


“I’m interested in developing or implementing trainings that foster Antioch’s social justice culture. I’m wondering about progress made toward the action items identified in Antioch’s social justice survey.”
Talk to the Justice Leadership Council

“I’m concerned that there is a gap in our education as mental health professionals around X social justice issue. I want to be a part of discussing and developing a solution.”
The Counselors for Social Justice are your best campus resource

“I want to get involved in community service initiatives to further a social justice mission and help where truly needed!”
SERD/Disaster Shakti has some ideas

“I want to propose or participate in an event that brings students from different departments and disciplines together.”
Student Alliance would love to hear from you

“I’m interested in developing or participating in workshops related to social justice! I have questions about Antioch’s composting and green bike programs!”
Reach out to the Sustainability & Social Justice Committee

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