Leigh Ann Charlot

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Leigh Ann Charlot

Leigh Ann Charlot is an adjunct instructor in the Couple and Family Therapy program in Seattle. Leigh Ann teaches several courses in the Couple and Family Therapy program and has extensive experience working as a therapist and supervisor with individuals, couples, and families in a variety of settings, specializing now in providing couples therapy.

Leigh Ann Charlot

Adjunct Professor

Couple and Family Therapy

Leigh Ann has a Master’s degree in Social Work from Loyola University in Chicago and is a PhD candidate in Couple and Family Therapy at Adler University, currently completing a dissertation on the topic of Wounded Healers and self-care.

I am committed to creating a learning environment in which students participate actively in learning the skills needed to provide therapy with a systemic focus and doing so in a way that has students engage with social justice, ethical practice, and clinical knowledge so that these are incorporated in their future practice as couple and family therapists.

Charlot, L.A., Washington, K., & Hall, C. (2022). Exhumed: Reckoning with the history of eugenics in Marriage and Family Therapy. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families. doi: 10.1177/10664807221104113

Charlot, L.A. (2022, April). Exhumed: Reckoning with the History of Eugenics in Marriage and Family Therapy. Presentation at the International Family Therapy Association Meeting in Puerto Rico.

Delta Kappa Honor Society
  • Reviewer, Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
  • Reviewer, AASECT 2022 Annual Conference Presentations
  • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
  • National Association of Social Workers
  • American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists
  • Illinois Affiliation for Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Theories of Couple and Family Therapy
  • Ethics and Professional Issues in Couple and Family Therapy
  • Self-care for Therapists
  • Abusive Relationships
  • Family of Origin Systems/Person of the Therapist
  • Introduction to Research Methods
  • Social Justice and the History of Couple and Family Therapy
  • Multicultural Perspectives/Person of the Therapist
  • Internship Case Consultation