Macall Gordon, MA

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Macall Gordon, MA

Macall Gordon is a researcher specializing in infant mental health with an emphasis on infant sleep and parent-child interactions, as well as the cultural context of parenting and childrearing advice. Her current research examines the interaction of infant sleep interventions and family/maternal well-being. She has presented her research at national and international conferences on infancy and child development. Gordon has worked locally with Talaris Research Institute and the Gottman’s Bringing Baby Home Project.

She currently teaches research methods courses for Applied Psychology students that highlight how to be a competent, critical consumer of research as well as the skills necessary to understand and navigate the discourse around evidence-based practice.

In addition, Macall is a professional actor and performs with professional companies around Seattle.

Adjunct Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

School of Applied Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy

MA in Integrative Studies with a research-based degree in Infant Mental Health, Antioch
Her area of research focus includes parents’ experiences with infant sleep management, parent psychology, and its impacts on parenting behavior, colic, and the development of emotional regulation.

  • Gordon, M. D., & Hill, S. L. (2009, April). Parenting advice about sleep: Where have we been? Where are we going? Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Denver, Colorado. April 1-4, 2009.
  • Gordon, M. D., & Hill, S. L. (2008, March). What to do about sleep? A survey of parents’ experiences with infant sleep and popular advice. Poster presented at the International Society for Infant Studies, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Gordon, M. D. (2007, May). Crying before sleep: What do we know about behavioral sleep training in infancy? Roundtable Chair. Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Boston, MA.
  • Gordon, M. D., Hill, S. L., & Forisha, B. (2006, July). “Crying it out:” A critical review of the literature on the use of extinction with infants. Poster presented at the World Infant Mental Health Conference, Paris, France.
  • Middlemiss, W., Gordon, M., Goldberg, W., Porter, L., Keller, M., Granger, G. A., & Germo, G. (2008, August). Sleep interventions and parent-child well-being. Poster presented at the World Infant Mental Health Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
  • Shapiro, A. F., & Gordon, M. D. (2005). The Early Meta Emotion Coding System. Unpublished coding manual. Seattle, WA: Gottman Institute.