Peihsuan Liu, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Peihsuan Liu, PhD

Peihsuan (Patty) Liu earned her PhD and Master’s degree from Penn State University and has moved to Seattle in 2019 to become a faculty in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Pennsylvania and a National Certified Counselor. She was trained in EMDR and Internal Family System Therapy and has extensive counseling experiences in working with children, adolescents, college students, adults, and families from a variety of settings, including school, domestic violence shelter, college counseling center, and community mental health agency. Patty also has extensive experience providing clinical supervision to counselor-trainees and enjoys helping counselor-trainees grow both personally and professionally. Her research interests include trauma counseling, domestic violence, child maltreatment, and trauma-informed care. She is passionate about working with clients who are trauma survivors and training future counselors who are multiculturally competent and trauma-informed.

In addition to the work in the United States, Patty has been providing workshops and training to parents, school teachers, and administrators, and mental health professionals to promote trauma-informed care in Taiwan, the country she was born and grew up in. In addition to her roles as a faculty member and counselor, she is also an author and a blogger. Patty has been writing blog articles in Mandarin/Chinese to provide psychoeducation and promote social justice to the general population for many years and has published two books in Taiwan to raise awareness of childhood trauma, trauma-informed care, and emotion education. She believes in the importance of social justice and advocacy in the counseling profession and is very excited about being a part of Antioch University Seattle that values promoting diversity and social justice.

Peihsuan Liu

Core Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

PhD in Counselor Education & Supervision, Penn State University
MEd in Counselor Education, Penn State University
BS in Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

I am passionate about helping counselor-trainees grow and become competent counselors that work with diverse populations. I want to foster a safe environment in the classroom so that my students and I can start to embrace discomfort (discomfort is a part of learning!), explore our own biases and assumptions, have difficult conversations, and learn how to give feedback and receive feedback. I am very excited to be at Antioch to continue my work in promoting social justice and advocacy through teaching and training future counselors.

  • Chatters, S. & Liu, P. (in press). Are Counselors Prepared? : Integrating Trauma Education into Counselor Education Programs. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
  • Liu, P. & Joo, H. (Under Review). School Counselor’s Role in Creating Trauma-Informed Schools. Professional School Counselors Journal.
  • Liu, P., Haynes-Thoby, L., Yang, Y., Hanna, J. (October 2019). Integrate trauma education into counselor training: What can counselor educators and supervisors do? Educational session at ACES 2019 conference.
  • Yang, Y. & Liu, P. (November 2018). Explore the Impact of Reentry on Asian International Counseling Students’ Acculturation Process. Roundtable session at WACES 2018 Conference.
  • Haynes-Thoby, L., Liu, P. & Ying, Y. (November 2016). Oh No! My Client Has Experienced Trauma. What Now? A Note to Counselors Treating Clients With Trauma Histories. Educational session at Pennsylvania Counseling Association 2016 Annual Conference.
  • Liu, P. & Ying, Y. (November 2016). When Your Biography Becomes Your Biology: How Childhood Trauma Impacts Neurodevelopment And The Clinical Implication For Counselors. Poster presentation at Pennsylvania Counseling Association 2016 Annual Conference.
  • Chatters, S., Zalaquett, C., Joo, H., & Liu, P. (2016, July). Beyond Self-Report: Ethical Decision-Making, Counseling & Your Brain. Educational session. Presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association 2016 Annual Conference.
  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)