Antioch University prepares for Year Four Comprehensive Accreditation Review

Home Resources Antioch University prepares for Year Four Comprehensive Accreditation Review

Antioch University has begun an array of activities leading up to a comprehensive review by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), our regional accrediting body.  After our most recent reaffirmation of accreditation in 2013, AU was placed on the Standard Pathway, which requires a Comprehensive Visit in Years 4 and 10 of accreditation. Our upcoming May 2018 visit represents the Year 4 mark.
Many of you may have been at AU during the multi-year self-study process leading up to our 2013 reaffirmation of accreditation.  The HLC has recently streamlined its p, so we will submit a concise report describing the ways in which we meet or exceed HLC’s criteria for accreditation. This narrative is designed to be brief: no more than 35,000 words.  (By comparison, our last self-study was 120,000 words.)  The HLC calls this narrative, along with associated evidentiary documentation, the “Assurance Argument.”
In order to facilitate deep engagement with our widespread and busy University community, the following general schedule has been established:
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In early January, we will hear from the HLC regarding the site visit scheduled for May 2018. We will keep the community informed when we know which campuses will be visited and the dates of the visits.
As was true in 2013 when we wrote our thorough and reflective self-study, Antioch University has myriad stories to tell as a vibrant and supportive learning community, living its mission with integrity, seeking ways to improve, and looking toward a bright future.
Thank you to those who have agreed to serve on the Steering Committee and Criterion Teams, and thank you in advance to all of you who will share your insights over the coming months.
If you have any questions about this process, do not hesitate to contact Leatrice Oram, [email protected]

Criterion 1: Mission
*Melinda Treadwell (AUNE) (lead)
Mark Hower (AULA)
Maria Gonzalez (AUS)
Michele Nobel (AUM)
Aqeel Tirmizi (GSLC)
Criterion 2: Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
*Laurien Alexandre (GSLC) (lead)
Karen Crist (AUO and AUM)
Kevin Lyness (AUNE)
Ken Pienkos (AULA)
Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support
*Ben Pryor (AUS) and *Marian Glancy (AUM) (co-leads)
Torin Finser (AUNE)
Christine Forte (AUSB)
Chris Heffner (AUS)
Susan Nero (AULA)
Denise Sharp (AUM)
Mary Ann Short (AUO)
Criterion 4: Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
*Tom Julius (AU) and *Andrea Richards (AULA) (co-leads)
Carla Comey (AUNE)
Joe Cronin (AUO)
Michelle Finley (AUS)
Tony Lingham (GSLC)
Cathy Radecki-Bush (AUSB)
Sarah Wallis (AUM)
Criterion 5: Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
*Allan Gozum (AU) and *Cyndi Cain Fitzgerald (AU)(co-leads)
Barbara Lipinski (AUSB)
Sandy Lee (AULA)
George Tremblay (AUNE)

HLP Graphic chart