Community Garden Connections Grant

Community Garden Connections (CGC), in the Department of Environmental Studies is soliciting proposals from AUNE graduate students who are conducting research, projects or unpaid internships pertaining to sustainable agriculture, food justice, promoting food security, healthy foods, gardening/agricultural education, local foods or community-based education. CGC addresses issues of food insecurity, personal well-being, and community resilience in the face of climate change.  The CGC Grant is meant to support the ‘seeds’ of food security work– a fund to help students get their research, project or unpaid internship off the ground, thanks to a private donation from the Rashti Foundation.

Students may submit an application (see guidelines below, or click here) and will be considered for the grant.


-Awards are only available to current Antioch University students-

Students interested in applying for the Grant must be enrolled with at least half-time status in the Environmental Studies Department at AUNE at the time of the application. Funds may be requested for: 1) field and research work on addressing food security, sustainable agriculture, healthy foods, gardening/agricultural education, local foods or community-based education, including field equipment or travel to the field site; 2) travel to attend and/or present a paper or poster at a conference; or 3) fund an unpaid internship linked to sustainable agriculture, food justice, promoting food security, healthy foods, gardening/agricultural education, local foods or community-based education.  Requests for funding will be considered up to $1,000.00. This work must count towards their graduate degree at AUNE.

Application Deadline

Deadline is April 1st of each year (notification by April 21st); Please be sure to read the application instructions before you apply.

Application (please, read and follow instructions carefully)

Please submit a brief letter of interest (a cover letter) and either a) a research description: total not more than three pages,  b) title and description of conference, (if presenting, include the following: an abstract of the presentation, evidence of acceptance of presentation) and budgetary needs for the conference:  total not more than three pages or,  c) internship description and budgetary needs for the internship.

To receive full consideration, proposals must be submitted in the following format:

1. A cover letter with the purpose of funding (researchinternship or conference travel), title of proposed project or presentation (if applicable), applicant name, address, and phone number, name of AUNE faculty advisor, and a brief project summary including dates of research fieldwork (if applicable), conference or internship and amount of money requested.

2. Narratives: Please look over the following descriptions based on the grant application purpose:

*If applying for funds for a research project, complete the following, in a maximum of three page narrative (single spaced, 12 font):

  • Thesis, Project or Dissertation objectives (research questions if appropriate)
  • Location of the research or project activities
  • Justification/abbreviated literature review
  • Methods
  • How results and any associated recommendations will be communicated to a broader audience

**If applying for funds to attend and/or present at a conference, complete the following, in a maximum of two page narrative (single spaced, 12 font):

  • Name, location and dates of conference or workshop
  • Type of presentation (poster or talk, including talk duration)
  • Abstract of conference presentation and proof that your presentation has been accepted
  • Explain why your participation in the conference is important to your career
  • Evidence that you will be able to raise sufficient funds to cover the conference if this grant does not cover full expenses

***If applying for funds for an unpaid internship, complete the following, in a maximum of two page narrative (single spaced, 12 font):

  • Name and location of internship
  • Outcomes of the internship
  • Describe how your internship is linked to sustainable agriculture, food justice, promoting food security, healthy foods, gardening/agricultural education, local foods or community-based education
  • Explain why your participation with the internship is important to your career
  • Evidence that you will be able to raise sufficient funds to cover the internship if this grant does not cover full expenses

3. Timetable of relevant activities (one page narrative-if applicable).

4. Budget (as appropriate: equipment, travel expenses, food and lodging), and a clear indication of what will be paid for by the grant money. Please indicate how you will cover the total costs of the proposed activity, assuming this grant will not cover all costs. (one page narrative).

Submit electronic copy as a single document to: [email protected] Put your last name and ‘CGC grant application’ in the subject line (e.g., Smith CGC grant application)

Proposal Review

All proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of CGC Co-Coordinators, CGC Faculty Advisors and members of the ES faculty.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Sustainable agriculture, food security, or community-based education merit of the proposed research project, internship or conference attendance
  • Appropriateness and merit of chosen project methods
  • Feasibility of project within the proposed time
  • Need for funding
  • Relative contribution of the proposed project to CGC goals and/or to existing environmental education knowledge

Funds are typically released after the Spring semester has ended based on Financial Aid guidelines.

Grant Requirements

1. Applicants must agree to submit a letter of acknowledgment upon receipt of the grant, as well as a two-page summary of the research or project or a copy of the final report to CGC within two months of completion of research project, internship or conference attendance.

2. The grant recipient is encouraged to present to the broader Antioch community. Examples of the presentation include but are not limited to: internship symposia, research symposia, campus or Keene community events, Monadnock Earth Day Festival, etc.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]