Antioch Society for Psychoanalytic Psych

Psychoanalytic Research

The Psychoanalytic Studies group is committed to research and exploration. We have initiated the development of and created a research database through Antioch University New England’s Psychological Services Center (PSC) that houses archival data for the purposes of dissertation research, and other research initiatives. In addition to archival data, there are opportunities for designing and implementing psychoanalytic assessment and therapy research. Current data includes, but is not limited to:

  • Therapy Process
  • Therapy Outcome
  • Therapeutic Alliance

Through the use of various measures and resources such as:

  • The Rorschach (Exner & R-Pas)
  • Cognitive Testing
  • Educational Testing
  • Thematic Apperception Test
  • Working Alliance Inventory
  • Impact Scale
  • Audio/ Video Recordings
  • Session Notes

Completed Research using PSC Data

Exploring the Rorschach’s (R-PAS) Capacity to Predict the Quality of the Working Alliance

Research with IRB Approval Currently Being Conducted

Patient Wellbeing as a Function of Therapist Ability to Conceptualize the Treatment

Get Involved

If you are interested in getting involved with research through the PSC, please contact